
Here you will learn everything about the Config.json file

Here you will have information on most of variables that are easy to understand

General configuration


Replay sytem (ended in 1.1.2) : Not enough stable and reliable

The replay system is not perfect but does the job

MySQL configuration

Pre-Game configuration

Host configuration

Host configuration (Map testing)

Spectators configuration

Game configuration

End game


Commands are executed at the end of the game according to a player rank

"1": "[CONSOLE]/give {SELF_PLAYER} minecraft:cookie {SCORE} §%§[PLAYER]/tell {SELF_PLAYER} you executed a command"

This mean that the console will execute the command /give {SELF_PLAYER} minecraft:cookie {SCORE} and the player will execute the command /tell {SELF_PLAYER} you executed a command and replace {SELF_PLAYER} with the player's name and {SCORE} by the score the player had in a grandprix.

"1" Means that it will work for the player who won

"-999" Means that every players that don't have commands here will execute command

Note that "§%§" separate 2 commands


More information here

Last updated